Tips and Tricks for the Max Stick Carbon Fiber

How to extend and retract

How to break-down, clean, & maintain

Max Stick CF20 Upgrade Kit

CF Outer Shell Repair

How to fix sections that are stuck in the extended position

Most likely the sections are stuck due to 1 of 2 reasons. There is either dirt and debris causing the sections to lock up, or the pieces are hyperextended. the sections interlock by friction, so either of those 2 things is likely the issue. if you can see a different color black on the smaller section it is most likely hyperextended. In order to attempt to free the stuck sections first you will need to break down the pole.

Here is a link on how to break down the pole.

Once you have removed the ball. Take out the 2 sections that are stuck together. The best option to get them unstuck is to use WD40 on the joint where they are stuck. let it sit upright for a few hours so the WD40 can work down into the joint. Then use a piece of wood to set the bottom of the larger section on, wear a work glove or use a towel to wrap around the bottom section to hold it, and use another piece of wood or rubber mallet to hit the top forcing the smaller section down into the larger section. (if you don’t have a piece of wood like a 2×4 or a rubber mallet, you can place a cloth over the top of the pole and LIGHTLY use a hammer). The larger the size of the sections are, the more force you can use. A last resort would be to heat up the larger section at the joint causing the carbon fiber to soften and expand. It will harden back once cooled.  This will only work on sections 3 or larger.